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7 Tips to Elevate Your Nonprofit’s Social Media Presence

Elevate your nonprofit's social media presence

In today’s digital age, social media has become an essential tool for nonprofit organizations to connect with their supporters, donors, and volunteers. However, with so many nonprofits competing for attention on social media, it can be challenging to stand out. 29% of online donors claim that social media is the main communication platform that inspires them to give. This is why it’s critical to have a well-structured social media strategy in place to elevate your nonprofit’s social media presence.


In this article, we’ll share 7 tips that can help you take your nonprofit’s social media presence to the next level.

1.   Choose the right social media platform(s)

Choosing the right social media platform(s) is essential when it comes to elevating your nonprofit’s online presence. A solid understanding of your target audience, content, and marketing goals can help you select the right platform to maximize your reach and engagement.

For example, if your target audience is younger and your focus is visual storytelling, Instagram or TikTok would be a better fit than Facebook. However, when it comes to hosting fundraisers, Instagram and Facebook come out on top. Another factor to consider is the platform’s engagement metrics and ad targeting capabilities. By keeping these factors in mind, you can minimize wasted efforts while maximizing your nonprofit’s social media impact.


2.   Create a social media calendar for a consistent posting schedule

You may have plenty of ideas when it comes to creating content, but without a schedule, it’s easy to lose track of what you had planned. Creating a social media calendar can keep you organized and will ensure that your content is consistently delivered to your target audience at the right times.

You can also plan out holidays, awareness days, and cause days in advance to weave in your nonprofit’s mission or voice your support by posting relevant content and using associated hashtags. For example, even if your nonprofit doesn’t directly involve women’s empowerment, you can use International Women’s Day to showcase exceptional women both within and outside of your organization.

To keep your schedule in order, we recommend using a social media management tool to increase engagement.


3.   Promote engagement in different ways

20 years ago when Facebook was first introduced, there were a limited number of ways to connect with other users. The main ways were being posting, commenting, and the infamous Facebook “poke”. Nowadays, social media platforms have several different features to engage with your audience. We’ve listed a few ideas below if you’re looking to get creative with your engagement.

  • Run polls: Polls can be an easy way to engage with your audience, while also learning more about them. Be sure to keep the topics relevant and post during times when your audience is most active.
  • Host an “Ask Me Anything” (AMA): An AMA is exactly what the name would suggest. It gives your audience the opportunity to ask questions about your organization.
  • Going live: As people are 10 times more likely to comment on a live video than any other, going live can be a great way to boost your nonprofit’s social media engagement. Ensure that you focus on doing live streams for things that make sense in the moment, such as an event or an AMA. Another tip is to promote that you’ll be going live multiple times leading up to the live stream so your audience is aware of when it will be.
  • Ask questions: Asking your audience relevant questions will prompt them to answer and keep the conversation going.

Incorporating diverse types of content will give your audience different ways to engage with your nonprofit’s social media accounts in addition to your usual posts.


4.   Create engaging content

This may sound obvious, but creating content that your audience is drawn to interact with is absolutely crucial to elevating your nonprofit’s social media presence. One way to do this is to use visuals, which can help drive up engagement significantly. Compared to tweets with no images or visuals, tweets with images receive 18% more click-throughs, 89% more likes, and 150% more retweets. Furthermore, video content on social media generates roughly 12 times more shares than text and image content combined..

Posting shareable content like tutorials, infographics, or heartfelt stories, can also encourage engagement. You can take advantage of the carousel feature on Instagram by making each slide a standalone so people can share the image that speaks most to them. Remember, the key to success is creating content that your audience can relate to and inspires them to take action.


5.   Leverage user-generated content (UGC)

User-generated content (UGC) can be a powerful tool to enhance your nonprofit’s social media presence. If you’re not familiar with UGC, it’s content created and shared by your audience, which can include reviews, testimonials, photos, and videos. It can help you create an engaged community, while increasing brand awareness and credibility.

To leverage UGC, you can start by encouraging your followers to share their experiences with your organization using branded hashtags and mentions. Then, you can repost their content on your nonprofit’s social media channels, showcase their stories and opinions, and engage with them through comments and likes. UGC is a cost-effective way to create authentic, relatable, and diverse content that resonates with your target audience and drives engagement.


6.   Expand your reach

Expanding your reach on social media can be a challenging task, but there are a few strategies that can help. Influencer marketing is a popular approach that involves partnering with individuals who have a large and engaged following on social media platforms. Social media ads can also be effective in reaching a broader audience, as they allow you to target specific demographics and interests.

Mentioning and tagging other nonprofits, brands, and people can help increase your visibility and reach, as well as create valuable networking opportunities. Last, but not least, doing giveaways can encourage followers to engage with your content and share it with their own followers, further expanding your nonprofit’s reach on social media.


7.   Re-evaluate how you’re using hashtags

Re-evaluating how you’re using hashtags and using them effectively can help you reach a wider audience on social media. One way to do this is to explore related hashtags that can help you further define your audience. Don’t be afraid to use hashtags with smaller audiences, as they may have a more engaged niche community. Make sure to regularly check that your hashtags are still active since using outdated or irrelevant tags can negatively impact your reach.

You can also look for ideas from other influencers and nonprofits in your industry by browsing their pages and looking at the hashtags they use. Trying out new tags and analyzing the data can help you improve your hashtag strategy and elevate your nonprofit’s social media presence.


Final Thoughts

Having a strong social media presence is essential for any nonprofit looking to increase visibility, attract supporters, and drive engagement online. By implementing the 7 tips outlined in this article – from creating compelling content to utilizing hashtags effectively – you can elevate your nonprofit’s social media game and achieve your goals. Remember to keep testing and analyzing your strategy, and don’t be afraid to try new things. With a thoughtful and consistent approach, you can build a vibrant online community that supports your mission and helps you make a meaningful impact in the world.


Now that you’re familiar with strategies to elevate your nonprofit’s social media presence, check out our article on social media mistakes to avoid.