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TikTok Vs. Instagram: Which Platform is Right for Your Nonprofit?

Exploring TikTok and Instagram for the nonprofit sector

Having a social media presence can support your nonprofit’s visibility, boost fundraising efforts, and enhance connections. Around 72% of Americans use social media, and with 2.8 billion monthly users, Facebook is the most popular channel. However, other platforms, like Instagram and TikTok are becoming increasingly popular — especially among younger users. What exactly does nonprofit […]

5 Signs Your Donor Portfolio Needs To Be Optimized

Relationship manager speaking to donor from donor portfolio

Donor portfolios enable nonprofit organizations to be more efficient in soliciting gifts. They provide each donor relationship manager with a specific list of donors that they are responsible for. They also help your organization use time, energy, and resources effectively. However, if not properly done, donor portfolios can lead to inefficiency and lackluster outcomes. Unbalanced […]

How to Optimize Facebook for Fundraising

Logging in to Facebook to fundraise for a nonprofit

Social media platforms are one of the easiest ways to stay connected with friends and family, and they are an effective way to create awareness for your events. Among the growth of several other platforms, Facebook continues to remain a favorite. Nearly 58% of Americans are Facebook users, and almost 64% of these users visit the […]

6 Social Media Mistakes to Avoid

Nonprofit Social Media Marketing

Getting started on social media for your nonprofit, or even simply opening a new social channel, can be overwhelming. Setting up profiles, writing an engaging introduction, and keeping up with regular posts, stories, and tweets is nothing short of a full-time focus; however, the opportunity for growth and engagement online cannot be ignored.   55% […]