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4 Ways to Thank Your Donors

Thanking Your Donors

Complete the cycle of giving by thanking your donors. Thank them promptly, so that they know you have received their gift, and let them know how you will use it to further your advocacies. Showing your appreciation fosters a good relationship between your donors and your organization.

Most organizations send tokens or gifts to everyone in their donor database. However, 66% of donors today feel that such gifts are wasteful. They would rather that you use your resources to support your cause. Instead of spending money on things that tend to just gather dust in a dark corner, here are four creative ways to show your appreciation for your donors.



1.       Tell them how they made a difference.

Recent statistics show that approximately 69% of donors prefer to be thanked through email more than printed letters, text messages, or phone calls. But instead of just sending them a generic send-to-all acknowledgment letter, make it more personal and heartfelt.

Tell them what their donation enabled you to accomplish, and be as specific as you can. Give them updates on your advocacies, but focus more on their contributions. Donors appreciate being told how they have made a difference.


2.       Invite them to your events and activities.

77.34 million—this is the number of Americans who volunteered through various organizations in 2017 as reported in the 2018 Volunteering in America report. Of these volunteers, almost 80% donated to charity. This shows a strong correlation between donating and volunteering.

Your donors may enjoy attending fundraising events, but they might also be interested in more active involvement. When you thank your donors, invite them to your activities as well. Encourage them to be active partners in your advocacy.


3.       Communicate personally.

Although more than two-thirds of donors prefer to be thanked through email, strive to reach out to them on a more personal level every once in a while. Emails are a good standard practice, but a phone call or personal visit can truly show that you care about them. By taking a few minutes to communicate with them, you can make them feel valued and appreciated. This is also a great opportunity to learn more about them, allowing you to better target your donors.


4.       Give them a shoutout online.

According to Nonprofits Source, 84% of millennials are charity donors, and two-fifths of them are part of monthly giving programs. The same data set also indicates that Gen Xers are most likely to make a pledge, raise funds on behalf of a cause, and volunteer their time. Almost half of these Gen Xers give monthly donations.

Both these generations are on social media, so one of the best ways to connect with them is through various social media platforms. Show them your appreciation by giving them a shoutout on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram. As an extra bonus, your donors might feel so appreciative of the shoutout, that they share the post with their own network, providing an opportunity for new potential donors to check out your organization. Social media can be a very powerful tool in building relationships with existing donors, while also piquing the interest of new donors.


Thank Your Donors by Understanding Your Donors

These are just some of the many ways that you can thank your donors. However, the best way to show your appreciation is by understanding who they are and what they need. You can gain insights by identifying their behavioral traits and giving history. For more accurate insights, use donor analytics with the help of DC Analytics. This will enable you to connect with your donors better and foster stronger relationships.