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5 Successful Spring Fundraising Ideas

A woman is using our 5 spring fundraising ideas to plan her successful fundraiser

There has always been something about spring that makes people feel excited. This season of growth and renewal seems to wake all the happy hormones from their slumber during the cold winter season. Most people feel eager to start ventures and discover new passions. And as for nonprofits, this season is the perfect time to spring into action and organize fundraising activities. In 2021, approximately 21.9% of charitable giving took place during spring.

Here are 5 fun and exciting ideas to make your spring fundraiser a success.


5 Fundraising Ideas for Spring

1.       Ready, set, go. Get everyone moving toward the same goal.

Get everyone moving as they contribute to supporting your advocacy. Organize a track relay race, a walkathon, or a 5K run. Get a permit for a route around the community, and find sponsors for refreshment booths. Make it clear to all participants that the proceeds go to a good cause.

Want to widen your reach? Turn it into a collective challenge to meet a goal. Find corporate sponsors or wealthy donors to match steps or kilometers for donations. Let participants join the walkathon wherever they are located geographically. Encourage them to walk or run in their own neighborhoods at whatever pace they’re comfortable with. Use an app to track distance and show real-time progress on your website and social media accounts.


2.       Gloves on for gardening or tree planting.

Make gardens and parks come alive again by organizing planting parties. Even if your cause is not related to environmental issues, gathering everyone together to plant new flowers can help boost spirits and grow awareness for your advocacy. Sign up volunteer planters and collect seeds or plant donations. Then, ask homeowners for donations to your cause in exchange for planting flowers and herbs in their gardens.

Tree planting activities also serve as a great avenue for soliciting legacy gifts. Coordinate with local authorities to get permission to plant trees in public parks. Encourage those who participate to leave legacy donations just as they leave a legacy through the trees they plant.


3.       Bring back memories of the ol’ days by throwing a Spring Fling dance.

Who says dances are for the young alone? Ask existing and prospective donors to put their dancing shoes on, and throw an unforgettable Spring Fling dance for them. Get them grooving to the tunes of their youth and have fun as they help your organization. Partner with local businesses for recreational booths and refreshment tables. Seek sponsorship for game prizes and giveaways.


4.       Renew donations. Launch a Recurring Giving Campaign.

Spring is a time for renewal, so it’s also the best time to get previous donors to actively support your organization this year. Launch a recurring giving campaign that encourages them to send donations on a regular basis. Thank small donors who gave a one-time donation last year. Tell them how their support has helped your organization. Then, tell them the difference they can make if they turn the $20 they sent last year into a $20-per-month donation this year.


5.       Get fancy with a tea party in a cozy garden.

When flowers start to blossom, invite prospective donors to a tea party in a cozy garden. Turn it into a sophisticated soiree where everyone gets to don fancy outfits and mingle with each other. Serve scrumptious pastries and freshly baked goods along with the finest teas. Use the occasion to tell them more about your organization and how they can support your beneficiaries. If you can, find businesses or existing donors to sponsor the food, venue, or the entire party.


Make Donating Easy

Spring fundraising activities should be fun, but keep in mind that your ultimate goal is to increase your donor list and solicit donations. Getting people together is just one part of fundraising. You must ensure that it’ll be easy for them to donate to your organization.

If your event registration is online, include a link to your dedicated donation page. You should collect donor information, but avoid long forms and repetitive questions — if you are asking for zip code, do you really need their city and state? Less is more when it comes to contact forms.

At your event site, set up a table or booth for donations. Be ready to accept direct donations on-site, whether in cash, cheque, or electronic means. Have a tablet or smartphone ready with your donation page. Display a QR code for electronic wallet transactions.


Find the Right Donors to Get the Most out of Your Fundraising Activities

Spring activities are fun, but they also take time, effort, and money to organize. Plan a successful spring fundraiser by inviting the right people. Donor Compass™ can help you target the right donors and optimize your giving campaigns. Click here for help in making your spring fundraising activities a success!